Water purification information

Do you know how to choose commercial water purification equipment for Shopping Mall?

Views : 10022
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-08-08 17:58:40
Are you the owner or manager of a shopping mall? Do you care whether the water quality of your shopping mall meets the standards, whether it is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and whether it can bring healthy and comfortable water experience to customers and employees? If your answer is yes, then you must read this article carefully, because it will tell you how to choose the water purification equipment suitable for your shopping mall!

What is a shopping mall water purification equipment?
Shopping mall water purification equipment refers to equipment that provides purified water for shopping malls. It can remove impurities, bacteria, heavy metals, residual chlorine and other harmful substances in water, improve the cleanliness and safety of water, and also improve the taste and color of water, improve water use efficiency and save water resources.
Shopping mall water purification equipment is generally divided into two categories: central water purification equipment and terminal water purification equipment.

Terminal water purification equipment refers to water purification equipment installed at various water use points in shopping malls. It can provide different purified water according to different water use needs, such as water dispensers, water purifiers, water purifiers, water softeners, etc. The advantage of terminal water purification equipment is that it can provide higher standards of purified water for different water use scenarios, such as drinking water can meet the standards of direct drinking water, bath water can meet the standards of softened water, and laundry water can meet the standards of phosphorus-free water. Terminal water purification equipment can also be selected according to different water consumption and water frequency. For example, water dispensers can choose hot and cold water functions according to the number of people and seasons, and water purifiers can choose different filtration levels and flow rates according to water quality and water pressure.

What are the types and functions of shopping mall water purification equipment?
The types and functions of shopping mall water purification equipment mainly depend on the filtration principle and filtration medium of the water purification equipment. The following are common ones:

Reverse osmosis water purification equipment: Reverse osmosis water purification equipment uses a high-pressure pump to compress water through a semi-permeable membrane to filter out impurities, bacteria, heavy metals, organic matter, etc. in the water, and only allows water molecules to pass through. The advantage of reverse osmosis water purification equipment is that it has a good filtration effect, can meet the standard of direct drinking water, remove more than 99% of pollutants in the water, and the water quality is pure and tastes good. The disadvantages of reverse osmosis water purification equipment are slow filtration speed, the need for water storage tanks, wastewater, and the need to regularly replace the filter element and clean the membrane.

Ultrafiltration water purification equipment: Ultrafiltration water purification equipment uses a layer of microporous membrane to filter out impurities, bacteria, viruses, colloids, etc. in the water, and only allows water molecules and some minerals to pass through. The advantage of ultrafiltration water purification equipment is that it has a good filtration effect, can meet the standards of drinking water, remove more than 99% of bacteria and viruses in the water, and the water quality is clear and tastes good. The disadvantage of ultrafiltration water purification equipment is that it cannot remove heavy metals, organic matter, etc. in the water. It needs to be used with other filter elements such as activated carbon, and the filter element and membrane need to be replaced regularly.

Softening water purification equipment: Softening water purification equipment uses ion exchange resin to replace hardness components such as calcium and magnesium ions in water with sodium ions, thereby reducing the hardness of water. The advantages of softening water purification equipment are that it can effectively prevent the formation of scale, protect water pipes and hydropower equipment, improve the efficiency of water use, improve the taste and color of water, and have a maintenance effect on skin and hair. The disadvantage of softening water purification equipment is that it cannot remove other pollutants in the water, such as heavy metals, organic matter, residual chlorine, etc. It needs to be used in conjunction with other water purification equipment, and requires regular brine regeneration and resin cleaning.
The above are several common types and functions of shopping mall water purification equipment. Do you have a deeper understanding of them?

If you want to choose the right water purification equipment for your shopping mall, you also need to consider the following aspects:

Key points for purchasing shopping mall water purification equipment

Water quality in the shopping mall: You need to first understand the water quality of your shopping mall, such as the source of water, the size of water pressure, the hardness of water, the type and concentration of pollutants in the water, etc. These will affect the type and parameters of the water purification equipment you choose. You can conduct water quality analysis by yourself or find a professional water quality testing agency to get a detailed water quality report.

Water demand of the shopping mall: You need to determine the function and scale of the water purification equipment you need based on the water demand of your shopping mall, such as the water use scene, water use amount, water use frequency, water use standard, etc. You can conduct water use assessment by yourself or find a professional water treatment consulting agency to get a reasonable water use plan.

Budget and space of the mall: You need to choose the brand and model of water purification equipment that you can afford and adapt to based on the budget and space of your mall, such as the price, operating cost, maintenance cost, installation location, floor space, etc. of the water purification equipment. You can compare by yourself or find a professional water purification equipment supplier to quote and suggest, and get a favorable quotation and installation diagram.

Key points for the installation and maintenance of water purification equipment in shopping malls

Installation of water purification equipment in shopping malls: You need to find a professional water purification equipment installation engineer to install the water purification equipment, avoid doing it yourself or finding unprofessional personnel to install it, so as not to cause damage to the water purification equipment or safety hazards.
You need to prepare the materials and tools required for installation according to the installation instructions of the water purification equipment and the guidance of the installation engineer, choose a suitable installation location and method, ensure the stability and beauty of the water purification equipment, connect the water inlet pipe, water outlet pipe, power cord, etc., debug the parameters and functions of the water purification equipment, and check the operating status and water quality of the water purification equipment.
Maintenance of water purification equipment in shopping malls: You need to regularly maintain and maintain the water purification equipment to avoid affecting the water quality and water use effect due to aging or failure of the water purification equipment. You need to follow the instructions for use of the water purification equipment and the advice of the maintenance engineer to regularly replace or clean the filter element, membrane, resin, etc. of the water purification equipment, regularly regenerate or disinfect the brine, regularly check the water pressure, water flow, water temperature, etc. of the water purification equipment, regularly clean the water storage tank, water pipes, faucets, etc. of the water purification equipment, and regularly test the water quality and water volume of the water purification equipment.

The above is Susan's answer to some questions about the water purification equipment in shopping malls. I hope it can be helpful to you. If you have other questions about water treatment, please leave a message in the comment area and I will try my best to reply. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life!
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