Water purification information

The introduction of new water efficiency standards for water purifiers, about 40% of the products on the market will be eliminated

Views : 61464
Update time : 2021-12-21 11:58:41
My country has introduced the national standard of "Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Water Efficiency Limit and Water Efficiency Grade", which was implemented on November 1, 2018. This is the first national standard for water efficiency of water purifiers. In December 2019, the National Standards Committee issued a notice to include the "Water Purifier Water Efficiency Limit and Water Efficiency Grade" in the standard revision plan, and it will be released on December 1, 2021, and will be July 1, 2022 Started. In December 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation, together with the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Water Resources, jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for Water Efficiency Labeling of Water Purifiers" to incorporate water purifiers into the water efficiency labeling management system.

The new water efficiency standards stipulate the water efficiency limit values ​​and grades, technical requirements and test methods of water purifiers. It is mainly reflected in 8 aspects. The first is the scope of application of the standard. The original standard is only applicable to reverse osmosis water purifiers. The new standard is expanded to nanofiltration water purifiers and reverse osmosis water purifiers. The second is the addition of water purifiers. The terms and definitions of reverse osmosis water purifiers and nanofiltration water purifiers; the third is to change the water efficiency grade index; the fourth is to increase the removal rate index requirements of the nanofiltration water purifier; the fifth is to change the test water Water quality indicators; the sixth is to change the test process and calculation method; the seventh is to change the configuration method of test water; the eighth is to increase the water purification rate test device.

Among these revisions, the revision of water efficiency rating indicators is very important. The original national standard "Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Water Efficiency Limits and Water Efficiency Grades" divided the water efficiency grades into 5 grades. The indicator is only the water purification rate. The lowest grade 5 is ≥35%, that is, after 1 liter of tap water is purified It produces 350ml of purified water, and the water purification rate of the highest level 1 water efficiency is ≥60%. The newly revised water efficiency national standard water efficiency grade includes the two indicators of water purification rate and rated total water purification, each with 3 levels, the lowest level 3 water efficiency and water purification rate ≥ 45%, and the rated total net water production rate Water volume ≥ 2000 liters; the highest grade 1 water efficiency water purification rate ≥ 65%, and the rated total water purification volume ≥ 4000 liters.
Comparison of water efficiency indicators before and after the standard revision.

Ouge told reporters that according to industry research, the current water purifier products on the market, with a water purification rate of less than 45%, account for about 38% of the market share, and products with a water purification rate of 45%-55% account for the market. 42% of the market share, and 8% of the market share is that the water purification rate is higher than 65%. After the implementation of the new water purifier water efficiency standards, the water purifier products on the market must meet the minimum level 3 water efficiency requirements, which will eliminate more than 40% of the existing products on the market.

After the implementation of the new water efficiency standards, more than 40% of the products on the market do not meet the minimum water efficiency requirements.

Ouge said that after the implementation of the new water efficiency standards for water purifiers, the water efficiency of products in the industry can be improved by more than 20%, and the average annual water saving can reach 80 million cubic meters, which is equivalent to the water storage capacity of 6 West Lakes, while reducing a large amount of water. waste water disposal. On the basis of not reducing the use of water products and services, reduce the cost of use, save expenses for consumers, and improve consumer welfare. Guide water purifier companies to improve technology, strengthen research and development, produce more products that can meet the limit value of water efficiency, and promote the advancement and popularization of water-saving technology.
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